8 Movies Every Student Should Watch Before Graduation
There are several things to add to your university bucket list beyond earning your degree. Many of these should be fun things you can do with friends — such as watching movies. Certain movies, in particular, are especially ideal for students.
1. Whiplash
Movies about students, whether they’re similar or vastly-different situations to your own, are always great to watch. Whiplash follows a college musician and his band leader, who is demanding to the point of being abusive. It’s up to you to decide if the “tough love” approach is worth it for the results it brings for the protagonist. As an added bonus, the movie has a great soundtrack.
2. Fight Club
If you still haven’t seen the classic Fight Club, now’s the time to correct that. Otherwise, you’ll continue to miss out on a bunch of cultural references. The movie is about an underground fight club. It explores themes of failing to fit in as well as trying to find meaning and feel powerful. Unlike most movies about violence, the purpose of the fighting in this film is not to hurt others but to stop feeling numb. If you haven’t already encountered spoilers, you’re in for a surprise twist at the end.
3. Pulp Fiction
Another cult classic with a great deal of violence is Pulp Fiction. It likely won’t teach you much about life — but you’ll definitely be entertained! Plus, it’s sure to make you a fan of Quentin Tarantino, if you’re not already.
4. Requiem for a Dream
If you’re in the mood for something dark, try Requiem for a Dream. The main characters are drug addicts who want to turn their lives around and follow their dreams. However, as the movie progresses, things become steadily worse for them. This movie could be a wakeup call for any friends who may need to start taking university more seriously.
5. Good Will Hunting
A much more uplifting movie is Good Will Hunting. It’s about a janitor at MIT who is actually a mathematical genius. A professor discovers his talents after the janitor easily solves challenging equations. It’s a great reminder that you shouldn’t judge people based on initial impressions.
6. The Shawshank Redemption
If you ever struggle with impatience, you’ll appreciate what the characters in the Shawshank Redemption need to go through as they put into action their plan to escape from prison. It’s an excellent choice to watch before you graduate to remind yourself of the power of perseverance. Once you’ve watched the movie, you may like to read the Stephen King novella on which it’s based — it’s only short, after all!
7. The Social Network
Even if you’ve left Facebook behind for a more modern social media platform, it could be interesting to understand the origin of the social network that changed the world. Plus, as Mark Zuckerberg came up with the idea in his dorm room at Harvard, The Social Network is full of college references.
8. Dead Poets Society
Stop seeing school from just a students’ point of view by watching Dead Poets Society. Whereas this could be particularly inspiring if you’re looking to enter a career in teaching, anyone can benefit from the overarching lesson that you need to take advantage of whatever life offers you.
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