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6 winter essentials for students living in Ottawa

December 5, 2024

Winter in Ottawa can be both magical and challenging, especially for students experiencing their first chilly season away from home. The combination of icy sidewalks, snowstorms, and bone-chilling temperatures presents unique hurdles for those unprepared. […]


6 Helpful tips for studying over the holidays

November 4, 2024

As the holiday season approaches, many students in Ottawa find themselves juggling festive activities with academic responsibilities. Whether you’re a local student or someone renting a room in Ottawa for your studies, staying focused during […]


The best and worst snacks for university students

November 4, 2024

Finding balance in university life can be a challenge. Students often struggle to make time for healthy eating between classes, studying, and social activities. In this fast-paced world, the temptation to reach for quick, unhealthy […]



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